If you received a notice of infraction for speeding in the school zone, caught by a speed camera, please reach out to the King County Court.
King County Court Customer Service: 1-866-790-4111
To request a hearing: 206-205-9200
To pay an infraction:
To view your infraction video: www.violationinfo.com - You will need the notice number and PIN number, located at the top of your Notice of Infraction, to access the information.
Program Goal:
To increase driver compliance in the reduced speed zones and improve students’ safety near schools.
With this program, enforcement is constant during the reduced speed times, effectively influencing driver behavior.
Key issues in school zones:
- Speeding is behavioral (driver choice)
- Additional enforcement is needed to improve safety and speed compliance.
- There are not enough traffic officers to provide the needed level of enforcement to effectively influence driver behavior in all school zones.
- There are ongoing concerns reported regularly about speeding in school zones
- Higher speeds increase the likely level of injuries and fatalities in crashes involving pedestrians

A recent study revealed that up to 45% of vehicles were traveling at, or above 26 MPH within the 20 MPH speed limit in active school zones within the City of Auburn.
How it works:
When speeding vehicles drive past active school zone flashing beacons, the safety camera is activated, taking pictures of the back of the vehicles and recording a short video of the infraction, displaying the vehicle speed. After review and if determined to be valid by an Auburn Police Officer, the Notice of Violations are mailed to the registered owner of the vehicles.

The speed safety camera system uses a 3 Dimensional (3D) tracking radar, high resolution digital camera and high definition video camera. The 3D radar identifies any vehicle traveling faster than the predetermined speed and triggers both the camera and video, which capture the event.
- The first mage shows the vehicle driving in excess of the predetermined speed with the flashers activated.
- The second image shows the distance and time the vehicle has traveled with the flashers activated.
- The license plate is taken from a close-up of one of the images captured.
- Additional data collected includes the time, date, posted speed, vehicle speed, location, lane and direction of travel.
- No photo or video of the driver is taken.
Camera Locations:
Signs indicate photo enforcement at each location.
Active Cameras: (Infractions effective September 6, 2023 - First Day of School.)
Gildo Rey Elementary
M St SE, Southbound
Evergreen Heights Elementary School
S. 316th St, Eastbound
Outreach and Education:
We want to make sure that Auburn residents are aware of this program, and that this awareness will encourage them to respect the reduced speed limit within the school zones when beacons are flashing, to improve students’ safety. Below are different ways that the City is ensuring that drivers are aware of this program.
Warning period:
30 days prior to each camera activation, the location will be posted with a sign indicating the school zone is “camera enforced”. During these first 30 days, registered owners of vehicles speeding through the school zone will receive a “Courtesy Warning Notice” in the mail, to let them know that they were driving above the speed limit in the school zone and that the City is implementing a school zone safety program that will use automated safety cameras to enforce speeding in marked school zones. However, no citations will be issued during the warning period(s).
School outreach:
The City and the Auburn School District have coordinated regarding this program, and the School District had the opportunity to review and provide input on the proposed camera locations.
Prior to camera activation, the City will work with the School District and each individual school where a camera will be installed, to share information with staff and families about the program.
Magazine articles:
An article was published in the Summer 2022 Auburn Magazine with information about the program. Another article was published in the Fall 2022 Auburn Magazine.
This webpage contains the most current information about this program. Additionally, the webpage can be translated in over 140 languages. To translate, use this Translation link and then select a language from the drop down list at the top of the page.
Speed Camera Annual Report:
Washington State Law requires cities using automated traffic safety cameras (photo enforcement) to publish an annual report showing the number of infractions issued and the number of collisions for each camera location.
The annual report will be published when collision data is available from the State for the previous years, to ensure collision data is complete, and these reports will be posted here.
2023 Annual Report (PDF)