Active Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE)

Few would argue that the role of a police officers in
today’s world is straightforward. Even fewer would say that the situations they
encounter each day offer simple solutions or resolution. The complexities,
challenges and stresses involved with policing in a community are vast, and
with that growing complexity, comes a demand from our communities that officers
are equipped with the training and skills needed to protect residents without
Across the country, our communities - and the law enforcement
agencies that serve them - are recognizing the need to reflect on how we ensure
that policing remains centered around safety and justice.
The Auburn Police Department is one of multiple agencies in the United States and Canada to participate in Georgetown Law’s Active
Bystandership for Law Enforcement (ABLE) Project – a program designed to train
officers to intervene to prevent their colleagues from causing harm or making
costly mistakes.
Launched in 2020, ABLE is based on the EPIC (Ethical
Policing Is Courageous) Peer Intervention Program developed in 2014 by psychologist
Dr. Ervin Staub, the New Orleans Police Department and others to focus on the
psychology of peace and violence.
Through ABLE, instructors are able to use science-backed
strategies from the EPIC program to deliver practical, scenario-based training for
peer intervention and to further guide development of concrete measures that create
and sustain a culture of peer intervention among officers.
In January of 2021, the Auburn Police Department marked a major
milestone in the program with the completion of training for every officer on
the force. Today, the pride in this work can be seen with the ABLE pin worn on
every uniform and decal on every vehicle.
Central to the ABLE program training is intervention – not
only in the field during officer interactions, but off duty as peers. Along with training, one of the unique, and most important elements of the ABLE
program is the emphasis on a wholistic look at department’s culture.
To learn more about the ABLE program and the data behind the
success of peer intervention programs, visit the Georgetown Law website.