Hanan Amer (she/her) was born in Oklahoma and raised in Benghazi, Libya. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry from Benghazi University and works as an engineer at The Boeing Company. In 2008, Hanan married her husband, who has been a resident of Auburn since the 1990s. They raised their children in this beautiful community, both of whom graduated from Auburn High School. Go Trojans!
Hanan's first introduction to volunteering happened after enrolling in a How to Write Your Life Story class at the Senior Citizen's Center. For 13 years, she has actively contributed to various community organizations, including the Auburn Police Department, United Way, Red Cross and King County Public Health. She also regularly volunteers at the Auburn Food Bank, White River Valley Museum, and Auburn and Muckleshoot libraries.
Hanan graduated from the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) program in 2014 and is a proud lifelong member of Girl Scouts. In 2023, she was honored with her 35-year volunteer pin as a Girl Scout / Girl Guide and received the Girl Scout honor pin for outstanding service in Girl Scouts of Western Washington. She also earned the Bronze and Gold President's Service Volunteer Awards for her dedication to volunteering with the Girl Scouts and United Way of King County.
When not working, being a wife, a mom, a grandma, or volunteering, she loves spending time with her bow and arrows, engaging in archery. As a certified Level II USA Archery Instructor, she enjoys teaching Girl Scout leaders and Girl Scouts. She might not always wear bows, but she sure can shoot them.
Hanan Amer
c/o City of Auburn
25 West Main Street
Auburn, WA 98001
253-388-3350 (p)
253-288-3132 (f)
Email Hanan Amer (e)
Current term began: January 1, 2024
Current term ends: December 31, 2027